Characters – Civilians
The civilians of Shellstoke City go about their days in peace (for the most part),
here are just a few of the people who make up the city’s population!

Forename(s): Mandy | Surname: Bleu |
Age: 41 | Sex: F |
Height: 5′ 6″ | Weight: 9kg |
Race: Skeleton | Occupation: Singer |
Clown Power (If Applicable): N/A |
Resident of Shellstoke City. Witness to the murder of Garrett Park. Mandy works as a singer in a Jazz Bar called “The Skipping Record”, performing nightly. When not working, Mandy prefers to spend her time reading and will do so anywhere she can get some peace and quiet. Naturally untalkative and wary of people, Mandy is often known to be lost in her own thoughts. |

Forename(s): “Delia” | Surname: Presently unknown |
Age: 17 | Sex: F |
Height: 5′ 3″ | Weight: 60kg |
Race: Human | Occupation: N/A |
Clown Power (If Applicable): N/A |
Resident of Shellstoke City. Leader of a local gang notorious for vandalism and property damage. Typically seen talking to herself whilst staring at blank walls, Delia has proven capable of avoiding capture by cop forces for some time. Delia’s birth name, family and address are all currently unknown but it is suspected that she is homeless and lives on the streets. |